Selection Results

Use the checkboxes to select one or more indicators, and then click on "Report" to generate a report containing information on the selected indicator/s from AC.

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  •  Access to electricity
  •  Area planted under GMOs
  •  Availability of Groundwater
  •  Capacity and levels of dams
  •  Carbon dioxide emissions
  •  Carbon dioxide emissions per capita
  •  Concentration of Halons
  •  Degraded and transformed land
  •  Grazing Capacity
  •  Gross enrolment ratio (GER)
  •  Land Degradation
  •  Multilateral environmental agreements
  •  Number of GMOs commercially released
  •  Percentage change in projected population
  •  Population in cities
  •  Sea Surface Temperature
  •  Species Richness
  •  Terrestrial Habitat Loss
  •  The 2018 Death rate from respiratory diseases and tuberculosis
  •  The 2018 Gross tertiary enrolment
  •  The 2018 Protection status of ecosystems
  •  The 2018 Threat and Protection Status of Vegetation Types Per Biome
  •  The 2019 Ecological footprint
  •  The 2019 Modes of transport
  •  The 2019/20 Land restitution claims settled
  •  The 2020 Fertilizer consumption
  •  The 2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  •  The 2020 Marine biodiversity protection index (MBPI)
  •  The 2020 Road transport GHG emissions intensity index
  •  The 2020 Total fertility rate
  •  The 2020 Under-5 mortality rate
  •  THE 2021 African penguins in South Africa
  •  The 2021 HIV prevalence
  •  The 2021 Live vehicle population
  •  The 2021 Unemployment rate
  •  The 2021/22 Global environmental fund (GEF) expenditure on donor funded environmental projects
  •  The 2021/22 Gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD) as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
  •  The 2021/22 Intervention on Alien Invasive Plant Species
  •  The 2021/22 Number of researchers per 1 000 employment
  •  The 2022 Access to improved sanitation
  •  The 2022 Access to refuse removal
  •  The 2022 Digital access
  •  The 2022 Diversion of general and hazardous waste from landfills
  •  The 2022 Domestic fuel burning
  •  The 2022 Gross per capita food production index
  •  The 2022 Malaria in South Africa
  •  The 2022 National and priority area air quality indicators
  •  The 2022 Production and consumption of ozone depleting substances
  •  The 2022 Recorded amount of hazardous waste generated
  •  The 2022 Small Pelagic Catches
  •  The 2022 Terrestrial Biodiversity Protection Index
  •  The 2022 Transfrontier conservation areas
  •  The 2023 Access to safe water in South Africa
  •  The 2023 Environmental management systems (EMS)
  •  The 2023 Freshwater quality
  •  The 2023 Groundwater quality
  •  The 2023 Legal Landfill Sites in South Africa
  •  The 2023 Status of west coast rock lobster
  •  The 2023/24 Percentage of blue flag beaches in South Africa
  •  The 2024 South African Ramsar sites
  •  The 2026 Migration patterns
  •  Threatened amphibian species
  •  Threatened bird species
  •  Threatened mammal species
  •  Threatened reptile species
  •  Water availability
  •  Water availability per capita
  •  Water stress

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